Recently I’ve pulled some books off of my bookshelves to re-read, requested and picked up some new books from the library and noticed some of the books lurking around that we’ve read recently or are waiting.
I randomly took some pictures.
Then I decided “Hey, it’d be fun to dump all of these into a blog post.”
So, in six months I’ll browse across them and remember that it was March and it was cold, but then it got warm and we had some really beautiful sunshine and remember that these were the bookcovers showing off their faces around my house.
My mother-in-law gave me this book, The Many Loves of Marriage, a lot of years ago. I don’t know for sure what year and I think she gave it to me one year for Valentine’s day, but I don’t recall for sure!
I forgot how fun it is to read. The Kincades have a special and encouraging story. Stories are so interesting. We all have stories that make our lives unique. Somehow that theme keeps running through my mind. I’d really love to start writing down stories and memories from years gone by. Yet, I have trouble keeping up with the things I want to record that are happening now. 🙂
I will just keep the thought simmering for someday… {I know…. sometime is no time, it’s notime at all…}
This book a neighbor sent home with me to browse through for fun! I love many of the Little Golden Books, especially the older ones. I didn’t realize how many there are. My neighbors have a collection and they look so pretty on the shelf with their spines sparkling. I think it is a really fun collection idea… Not sure I needed that idea! 🙂 But, they don’t take a lot of space, really, and I like books, and I really like children’s books and it would be a fun thing to look for at antique malls. Once again, an idea for perhaps someday…
We do have some Little Golden Books. Some that I had or remember having when I was a child; some that my children had and we read before naptime or when small people wanted read to or that they leafed through themselves.
I can still see my kiddos rocking away in the recliner “reading” aloud from the big stack of books tucked into the chair beside them. Or looking at books at rest time and discarding the finished books onto the floor.
Even younger, they loved to simply pull all those books off of the bookshelf. This seems to be a pretty standard and fun activity for babies!
These three books requested from my local library! Love my library. They’re going to have to add on a room and name it in my honor. I keep requesting books and they keep getting them in and sending a text to my phone that my reserved item is ready for pickup! Hooray! And I know the author of the top book, Hand Me Down Husband. I’m not really close friends with her, but I do know her and that’s just fun. I am excited for her for the release of her first ever book! She’s a talented lady. She’s also created and sold patterns for crocheted blankets. Besides making lots of blankets as well.
This book arrived from Paperbackswap this week…
Library books…
My daughter recently finished Lucy Winchester. I remember reading this and loving it when I was young{er}{than I am now}{I won’t quite be old yet! 😉 }. It’s been so long I need to read it again, too!!
L.M. Montgomery! Her stories are so hard to beat. My daughter and son are reading this at bedtime. My girlie-o reads to brother. My big sister used to read to me sometimes or recite or read poems or play the harmonica at bedtime.
That makes me think that it would be fun to have a neat book of poems. My Grandpa used to have a big book. Hmmm. Will have to ask my mother more details on his book. I know I’ve heard her and my aunt talk about it and talk about my Grandpa reading to them. He often would recite some poem or little ditty.
Here’s a funny one… {kind of}
My Bonny leaned over the gas can,
the depths of the contents to see,
I lighted a match to assist her,
Oh, bring back my Bonny to me…
Hmmm. Oh dear!!!
What books are hanging out at your house right now?