Last week we were living in a fairy frostyland!
It was so absolutely beautiful and breathtaking!
In part, I’m sure, because I mostly was able to stay inside. 😊 .

There’s something enchanting and magical about hoarfrost as it gathers and grows thicker, silently and invisibly. It frosts everything with pointed beauty, a cross between a fluffy snow and glittering ice.

It was worth it to venture out and marvel at the beauty of God’s handiwork.

Pushing the mailbox lid shut with a gentle thud, I turned on my heel, raised my gaze and stood stockstill, with a little gasp of absolute delight.

The wonder contained in the span between an exhale and an inhale.

All day the hoarfrost crept in quietly, coating everything with a covering of beautiful.
I’d admired it from behind window glass with furnace fan as my soundtrack.

But beauty kept softly calling and beckoning me in a most persistent charming way, until I found myself forming bows on bootlaces and buttoning my navy coat up to my neck.
Venturing out the door, I admire the woods behind our wheat field, and then face north, footsteps falling along the lane, trees to my back.
It’s when I turn and see it in a wide lens view, my gasp escapes. Exquisitely charming with an intensely glorious stillness now the soundtrack.

I think the living of life plays out in this way when I forget to pause and notice.
I walk along, head down, intent on the goal.
A focused perspective until glancing up, I see it in a whole new light.
Sometimes it’s simply in the-turning-around, in the stepping back, the wider view, the breath of time between an exhale and an inhale of wonder, when we see the beauty that’s been there all along.

And you know that tug sometimes pulling you to craft or paint or sew or sketch or write or whatever feeds your artistic soul? I told my daughter, God must have felt that tug for our part of Kansas and He sure has had fun!

Let’s hear it!
When beautiful winter weather and the wonder of it beckons, are you a Daring Adventurer 👢❄ or a Cozy Observer?! ☕🍪 There’s beauty and delight found in both!