A few favorites……a few life-giving practices…..a few ways to delight in the daily……….

- My lovely prayer journal ~ jotting lines each evening or morning. The practice grounds me.
- Watering flowers……..I love slipping out in the evening dusk and offering all the thirsty plants a drink. The heat has subsided some by then and our backyard patio area, ever a work in progress, brings me happiness.
- WhatsApp ~ saying words and listening to words and laughing with two of my good friends
- Tide pods. Easy-peasy. Love the scent. Yay!
- Tortellini or ravioli and delicious marinara with a sprinkling of parmesan. Delicious!
- Stanley water jug. Loving everything about hydrating with this
- Pepsi…….crushed ice + cold pepsi = delight
- fun playlists on Spotify ~ a complete mix of new-to-me suggestions from family and friends along with old favorites. They make me happy.
- My book room and my bookshelves in my living room ~ the beauty and the textures and the colors and the book spines create joy for me
- Listening to audiobooks and podcasts when I mow

Where are you finding beauty, stopping to savor the wonder in the ordinary, and seeing delight show up in your days?