Today I’m flipping open the pages of Sing by Keith and Kristyn Getty.
It’s such a cute little book. Yes, I totally judge a book by it’s cover. Well. No, not really. BUT, I do love pretty books.
I recently became part of the B&H/Lifeway book blogger team.
They offer a choice of books and as part of the team I can choose one and they send it to me to read and review. Sing was my choice!
Here are the five key aims of this book as listed close to the beginning ~
1. To discover why we sing and the overwhelming joy and holy privilege that comes with singing.
2. To consider how singing impacts our hearts and minds and all of our lives.
3. To cultivate a culture of family singing in our daily home life.
4. To equip our churches for wholeheartedly singing to the Lord and one another as an expression of unity.
5. To inspire us to see congregational singing as a radical witness to the world.
I first became acquainted with Kristyn Getty’s music a few years ago when I watched a livestream of True Woman. Beautiful music! Powerful message. Our world is blessed with such a variety of people and talents! So grateful.
I was excited for a chance to read this book. In it you’ll find, Keith and Kristyn have a heart for music and for everyone to join in praising God through music and song. Congregational singing is especially dear to them.
I believe that music is uplifting and can help me when I feel discouraged and can spill out in glorious notes of joy and thanksgiving when I am pouring out praise to God! I believe it lifts us all up whether we are great singers or not. I like to sing, but sometimes I enjoy listening and letting the music wash over me.
I also know people who really can’t sing and while they truly enjoy listening to music, they don’t enjoy actually singing themselves. It doesn’t matter a bit to God what we sound like, but I feel that like anything in life, some people are more musical and they thrive on singing and playing songs. I felt a bit like the book was saying that ANYONE can sing. And I get it. But I also know that some people really don’t enjoy singing as much as they do listening.
Another thing I like about music is the ability it offers to memorize more easily. Verses set to music or a list of something turned into a song is much easier for me to memorize! I learned to sing the books of the Bible in order and my kiddos and I sang a list of the Presidents put to song. We also know several Bible verse songs.
I loved this line in Sing, on page 23…….”Praise is prompted by-compelled by-the revelation of something glorious.”
And this sentence from page 24……”And you were not just freed from something, you were freed for something – to glorify Him, to live the life God designed you to live, to know life in all its forever fullness.”
These lines about beauty sprang out to me ~ “We have been created to enjoy beauty and enjoy creativity.”
“We are designed to benefit from beauty in creativity.”
“We are designed as beauty appreciators.”
“We show our God-inspired creative spirit when we make music.”
This fact was also very fascinating to me.
In the beginning of chapter one, the Gettys share this……..
“Your ability to sing is fearfully and wonderfully made. Around the twelve-week mark, the vocal cords of a baby growing in the womb are in place and have been shown to work long before the baby is born.”
Listening to children sing is one of the sweetest things! One of my friends sent me a video recently of her eighteen-month old singing a song. So seriously cute!!
If you love music and singing or you’re seeking new inspiration for incorporating music in your life, I’m quite sure you would enjoy turning the pages and gaining inspiration from Sing. I enjoyed it! You can tell that music is such an integral part of the Getty’s life. Have you read it?
The book is written for individual use, but also organized in a way that you could use it for group discussions. It also contains a lot of information and ideas, yet it’s not overwhelming and it’s easy to read.
Here’s a quick picture for projects! I still have a few dishcloths to finish for a friend. My knitting has been laid aside quite a bit! I am wanting to get these finished, because I had another friend request a few dishcloths. I also miss having a few made and stuck in my gift drawer to add to a gift package when I’m putting together a gift.
I’ve been doing a bit of handlettering and Bible journaling here and there and I made pumpkin pie yesterday. Pumpkin pie had been calling my name ever since September hit the calendar! 🙂
What projects and pages are going on in your part of the world? Oh, we’re also cutting beans and have a whole lot of wheat to put in the ground. I love this time of year and I absolutely love the look of the freshly drilled wheat fields and then the look of a carpet of baby green spreading all across them.
Happy Wednesday! I hope yours is wonderful. I woke up very achy and slow, but I’m hoping to accomplish a few things. I must go to the post office and I’m sure I will be in the bean field a time or two as well. Two-dah-loo! 🙂