Nice weather and go-kart rides ~ go-kart hadn’t been out for a while. I rather forget we have it. It has some issues and doesn’t always run the best. Farmer man keeps talking about getting rid of it.
See? Not running the best…
Fun farmy picture~
Renae getting better….so glad! Flowers from Grandma for a get well and to add some cheer!
Coffee-Toffee Bars ~ a recipe I hadn’t thought about for a while!
Laundry on the line! The towels looked so bright and cheery, I had to go find my camera. Then, as I finished hanging up towels with my camera slung across my back, because I was too lazy to take it back inside, I also laughed to myself and wondered, “How many people carry a camera to the clothesline?”
My farmer man’s pickup pulled in the drive about then and he climbed out.
The first words out of his mouth?
“Do you always carry a camera to the clothesline?”
“Just what I was thinking about,” I called back with a chuckle.
While carrying a camera isn’t always the handiest thing, there are so many moments that are fun to capture. I get frustrated with phones when I go to use them for pictures for Instagram. They just don’t take pictures the way I want them too!!! But it has been fun to post to Instagram.
Mechanic hat…equipment prep…farmwork time…
Our pets ~ making good use of the porch, the flowerpot, and the swing!
sourdough rolls………..
Art ~ plastic cup tower!
Spring fieldwork begun ~ working on the irrigated circles for the farmer who my farmer works for part time…
A bit of springtime on my kitchen sink! It is coming ~ we had lovely weather all week last week.
Cheery table runner. I tied it in a knot in the middle for a fun look and to shorten it up a bit.
I had a fit of giggles last week. I was brushing my teeth and somehow got to thinking about the ages of my man and I and realizing how quickly FORTY is creeping up. It made me laugh. It used to look like the people who were forty were so old and wise. Doesn’t look that way anymore. Or feel it! At least where I’m concerned!!
My daughter shared a funny happening with me. She was with a friend and at a gathering where they were meeting some new people. An older man {with a good sense of humor}, shook Renae’s hand and said, “My name is Sue”. My daughter wasn’t sure what he said and simply took it in stride and smiled a greeting. Her friend, who already knew the older gentleman, leaned over and said, “He’s not really Sue.” With a twinkle in his eye, he then said, “I’m Harold.” My daughter thought he said, “I’m CAROL.” She giggled a bit and said he then continued with, “Like, Hark the HERALD angels.” This gave her the correct comprehension of his really-and-truly name! It made a fun story and quite a few chuckles as she shared it with me.
At the beginning of the week, I chatted with my Mother a bit. My two younger nieces were at her house and they had picked out food they wanted to fix and made a menu and grocery shopped at the local Kroger. They were getting ready to prepare the food for supper and then my sister and husband and oldest niece, were coming over to eat it. I thought it was such a fun idea and thing for a Grandma to do. The girls were excited about it and had fun choosing favorite foods and food they wanted to try. Once again, I thought about all the miles that are just too far at times. The up side is none of us really want to move and loving where you’re at and loving home is a good, good thing!
The nicer weather has brought on the beginning of farming. It felt somewhat like farming season, as I found myself making a few runs to the field last week.
I did a new thing some last week that I thought was kind of fun and encouraging. I jotted down the things I had done each day or accomplished. It always, always translates bigger on paper than it does if I just review it in my mind. Some days I can feel like I didn’t accomplish nearly what I wanted. Maybe so. But there are have-to’s in life and interruptions. By taking a few minutes throughout my day to write down what I had down, whether it was go get my man or make the bed, it made me feel “more accomplished” by seeing it in black and white. Funny thing~I’d had this idea and decided to give it a go, and then, as I read The Fringe Hours, last week, the author presented this very idea too. I felt it must have been the thing I was needing for right now!! 🙂
Consider it great joy my brothers whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete lacking nothing.
James 1:2-4
Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and without criticizing, and it will be given to him.
James 1:5
This tweet has a lot to think about in it…….
Let us not mistake our mean-spiritedness for conviction, or worse, courage. ~ Melissa Moore
Also turning around the though of how nice it would be to just lay down the expectations I all to often put on others. Just to flex and give and smile and go with the ebb and flow of life, without demanding and clinging to self and “my way” and “my wants” and “what I deserve”.