Seeking God. Sitting with Him.
Considering the Word made flesh. Wrapped right up in baby form. Hope come to us.
Innocent. Needy. Vulnerable. Helpless.
Completely reliant on a mother and a father for feedings and changings and bundling and snuggling and singing over.
He who sings over us, cooed up at his mama as she rocked him with soft lullaby.
He who brings about change in us needed a mother to change his diapers again and again.
He who wraps us right tight in His unrelenting love required loving and wrapping and swaddling.
The sun of righteousness held in the arms of a righteous and devout man named Simeon who was waiting eagerly for the consolation of Israel. This infant who would send the Comforter held by one upon whom was the Holy Spirit.
Creator of all that is marvelous while his parents marveled at what was said about him.
The Joy-Giver announced by angels as a joyful event to the trembling and terrified. We call it a silent night. The Word showcases an amazing angelic choir. When joy shows up, the heavens couldn’t be silent.
When shepherds heard the news, they couldn’t amble. Earth changing news requires running.
He who came to seek and save the lost greeted shyly and humbly by shepherds from a nearby field. The ones who’d come running. Shepherds who knew the intensity behind seeking the lost. Lifting them from a crevice. Carefully bearing them back to the flock.
He whose coming was long foretold welcomed with an anthem of praise by a prophetess Anna, she who’d worshipped day and night with fastings and prayers.
The Light of the World came beneath a star so bright.
He came right down into our world. He came to us. Jesus the Christ.
Emmanuel. God with us.
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