My blog tagline is Delighting in the Daily Details and I have long focused on looking for the beauty and loveliness God has written all through our lives for us to behold!

This morning I see Him in the sunlight filtering through fern fronds on my porch, rosebuds in vases on my table, and in the detail of leaves and petal shapes of both roses and ferns.
I often become entangled in the cares and concerns, frustrations and fears, hurts and heartaches that life will throw at us and disrupt our days.
But it is forever a call to me to rest in dependence on God when I note all the details of His creation. If God cares about the sparrow, then He cares about me when despair assails.
If God took delight in setting out roses and buttercups and daisies and violets, He takes delight in sharing His beauty with me.
If God leans down and paints a glorious sunrise, sets waves in motion, and positions stars in constellations, then He has the ability to write out a life story for me.
If God spoke and night and day began, rivers flowed, and birds took wing, then why would I doubt He sings over me?
If God wrapped up life and growth inside a tiny seed package to burst forth and become a sturdy waving plant, then why do I forget to look for the miracle in the everyday?
If God gave His Son, our Jesus, His very lifeblood, His Risen presence as Conqueror, His gentle caring friendship, what else spells the beauty of L O V E any better?