“Please Aslan,” said Lucy “What do you call soon?”
“I call all times soon,” said Aslan.”
~ C.S. Lewis, Voyage of the Dawn Treader
“So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.” ~ 2 Corinthians 4:18
The upside-down kingdom of the Lion of Judah/the Lamb of God offers up paradox and perplexity, promises and peace, pastures and pathways.
It hands us hopes like “Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.” ~ 1 Corinthians 13:12
It creates access ~ “At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.” ~ Matthew 27:51
“Come to me,” He says. “The way is open. Talk to me. Spend time. Pour your heart out.
I love listening to you. I love watching your eyes light up. Your dreams, your hopes, they are beautiful. Your tears are too. Liquid crystal and I treasure them all. I know worry and fear and discouragement dog you, anxiety and trouble hound. Look up, dearheart. Find my gaze. Curl your fingers tightly in my mane. Follow my shepherd’s staff. Stay close, little one. I am with you always.
One day soon, “all shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.”
One day soon the making new of all things will find us stepping into that greatest story “which goes on and on forever, where each chapter is better than the one before.”
It can’t come soon enough, my child.
You are completely loved. You are completely seen. You are completely known. You are completely mine.
I am your Jesus.”
Mere Christians ~ Skye Jethani
That Sounds Fun Podcast with Diane Langberg
Song ~ I Speak Jesus
Shame ~ James Bryan Smith
Resilience Series
Hope Heals Camp ~ “Hope Heals Camp is a week-long camp experience and year-round community offering resources, rest, and relationships to families affected by disabilities.”
“20% of the U.S. population is disabled, making people with disabilities the country’s largest minority group.”
“One in seven people on earth today identify as living with a disability.”
Compassion ~ sponsor a child and help give families encouragement and life
Youth Core Ministries ~ “Core Life ministry is about introducing kids to Jesus. We train our volunteers to utilize the time at our weekly, high-impact program to engage youth at a deep level. We show students Jesus through intentional unconditional relationships, creative games, Bible stories, prayer, and more. Core Life focuses on reaching the unchurched, but we will minister to anyone who walks through the door.”
Delight Each Week ~
Here are a few podcasts, newsletters, and editorials I anticipate each week. These are the days they are published. I’d love to hear some you anticipate!
Monday ~ Bible Project
Tuesday ~ The Next Right Thing
Wednesday ~ The Holy Post
Thursday ~ Newsletter from Russell Moore
Friday ~ A Drink With a Friend by Seth Haines & Tsh Oxenreider
Saturday ~ Good Faith
Sunday ~ Newsletter from David French and OpEd by Tish Harrison Warren
{affiliate links in this post. Thanks friends!}
The Surpassing Value of Knowing Christ ~ a study of Philippians
Let There Be Art ~ Rachel Marie Kang
Giving Your Words ~ Sally and Clay Clarkson
We Chose You ~ Tony and Lauren Dungy

She stands square in the middle, crossroads rolling in four directions, all beckoning, offering options.
Which way? Which one “right?” What is “the best?”
Sometimes we want a guide to give us the exact road map, each step marked and highlighted.
In Waymaker, Chapter Six opens with this quote ~
“When we no longer know which way to go we have begun our real journey…..
The impeded stream is the one that sings.”
~ Wendell Berry
Perhaps this is indicative that often it isn’t about the perfect choice or firmest footpath, and more about the music we make along the way.
We will not find joy and melody ABOUT every circumstance, but we can grapple to grow, to glow with gratitude, in our circumstances.
Further in Chapter Six, Ann opens her Bible to a note stuck inside with these words scrawled across:
“If you want to hear His will, the ways God will always communicate are through
1. Communion
2. Circumstances
3. Counsel
4. Conviction.”
Four stepping stones to point us on our path. Four channels of communication. Four avenues of following His heart.
And then this line in Chapter Six ~
“All of creation communicates the closeness of God.” ~ Ann Voskamp
It’s true. All around us. The very air we breathe. Pansies pointing pretty faces to the sky. Tomatoes ripening. Sunrise bursting. Chip, the beagle, yapping. Rain soaking cracked and barren ground. Trees beginning to turn. Rustling cornstalks. Ferns nestled in the hollow.
For all along the way, whichever way the Waymaker leads, we can sing delight back to Him. We can bask in beauty. Grasp His grace.
And in this, we can truly number our days, all glory, His.
It’s been so, so, so dry in Kansas this year. Our crops really have failed and we are planting wheat in faith amongst dry dusty soil and dirt clods. It made me think of this song.
Dig another well, friends, when life is dull and distressing and desolate.