Weatherwise, April has been warm and chilly, windy and still, lovely and not-so-charming. Spring teases. I pull out sandals and expect to wear them from now forward to autumn. But spring has a fickle side and chuckles fiendishly with a forecast of blustery with a chance of rain/snow. I am not so favorably inclined.
But I have absolutely no say, no sway in weather patterns and thermometer readings.
However………….I do have a choice in anticipation and what I’m delighting in and seeking beauty and numbering gratitude. Here are a few of my finds for April……….
I’m anticipating the Faithful Livestream happening May 1st. This event is a beautiful collaboration of artists and musicians and writers. It makes me happy.
Along with tears.
I’ve been listening to this song, A Woman, again and again and it brings tears almost every time.
Then they released The Detour and I’ve played it again and again and love it so very much.
{You’ll find the livestream event here + book bundle if interested or find the book here.}
Who else has been watching The Chosen? I bought the first season on DVD about a year ago and was completely enthralled. We just watched the Season 2 premiere and I’m anticipating taking the time to curl up and watch episodes 2 and 3 when the opportunity arises.
My daughter and I visited the botanical gardens in the city to drink in all the tulips and spring blossoms. It was a glorious day. It made me happy.

We rambled through the tulips and magnolia and flowering crabapple.
Beauty and sunshine and peacefulness played along the winding walkway.
Disappointments and discouragement and darting questions were not allowed entrance.
Myriads of color, a carousel, cool breezes, lilting laughter of little voices, azure skies, grass of green. A good list. A soul soothing list of lovely.
Life will not always be as it is today. A comfort in pain. A marker of memories in the delightful.
We created joy on Easter Sunday.
We scattered Easter eggs through our back yard under the sunshine of a gorgeous Easter Day sky and created a panorama of color. It set the stage for laughter and fun and scurrying and hurrying.
Our little nieces and nephews whooped and ran and discovered almost every single plastic egg. My good farmer man found one over-looked egg lurking in the flowerbed the next Tuesday.
Beaming faces exclaimed as they opened shiny eggs and sparkly eggs and glittery eggs and flat-blue and flat-pink eggs and eggs painted like chicks and bunnies. Snickers and Reese’s eggs, Twix and Milky Way, shiny wrapped chocolate coins, and playdough minis or stickers nestled inside patiently waiting to surprise the recipient.
I was delighted to learn about the Bible Project’s classroom in Emily Lex’s newsletter.
I’m currently working through the Introduction to the Hebrew Bible course and barely into the beginning of Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians course.
Here’s what I found myself musing about on Easter…
• a picture of hope on this wise •
Luke 24 says:
“Returning from the tomb, they reported all these things to the Eleven and to all the rest. Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the other women with them were telling the apostles these things. But these words seemed like nonsense to them, and they did not believe the women.”
Yet hope niggled.
And Luke reports:
“PETER, HOWEVER, got up and RAN to the tomb. When he stooped to look in, he saw only the linen cloths. So he went away AMAZED at what had happened.”
Peter hoped. Peter ran. Peter saw.
Years later, Peter would pen these words.
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of his great mercy He has given us new birth into a LIVING HOPE through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you.”
Hallelujah! Jesus, our neverending hope, is Risen Indeed.
A Portrait of Love…..
I love you.”
He stumbles under the burden and weight of rough beams rubbing against His bruised and beaten body.
“I love you.”
Arms stretched wide. Nails pound into flesh. Blood. So much loss of blood.
“I love you.”
Darkness descends. Blankets the whole earth.
“I love you.”
His question splits the sky. “My Father, why have you abandoned me?” His spirit writhes in the pain of rejection.
“I love you.”
He cries again. Loudly. Breathes out one final rattling gasp.
“I love you.”
The temple curtain is ripped, ripped right in two, gloriously split. Opened up. The Way Made. Entrance in. Not only granted, invited!
“I love you.”
The centurion, the one keeping watch over Jesus, he’s terrified. An earthquake and everything else that’s happening. It’s compelling. Takes hold of him and he confesses, “Truly this man was the Son of God.”
“I love you.”
Then there’s one man. He’s a member of the Jewish High Council. Of good heart. Good character. Righteous. Thing is, he didn’t agree with the Sanhedrin’s plan of action. He alone. Says he was from Arimathea and he was looking forward to the kingdom of God. In the upside-down kingdom of God, he’s had his focus on the right place all along. He goes. Asks Pilate for Jesus’ body. Places him in a new tomb chiseled from the rock.
“I love you.”
The women watching, weep. Follow along. Observe the tomb. See his body placed. Do the only tangible thing left to serve him by preparing burial spices and perfumes.
“I love you.”
The Sabbath is beginning so they rest and wait quietly. Waiting is not so easy as it sounds.
“I love you.”
We wait and commemorate. I can’t fully comprehend the depth and width and breadth of this great love story. We wait for His returning!
“I love you.”
He waits too. Arms outstretched still. In eager anticipation. Longing to have us home with him forever. It’s how Good Fathers are.
“I love you, my child.”

Grateful today for:
- biscuits
- celebration
- my handsome husband handyman working on an outside sink for me {a longtime dream of mine}
- conversations
- friends who see me
- happy notes on coffee cups
- perfume
- listening + learning
- always the green wheat in the spring
- looking through old photos
Gratitude lists make me happy.

- 40 Days on being a Nine {Enneagram Daily Reflections} by Marlena Graves
- The Way Up is Down by Marlena Graves
- Soundtracks: The Surprising Solution to Overthinking by Jon Acuff
Still reading…..
- Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess by Dr. Caroline Leaf
- The Good Neighbor: The Life and Work of Fred Rogers by Maxwell King
- Think Again by Adam Grant
Almost to finish up…..
Truthfilled study by Ruth Chou Simons
Journal Love:
I’m anticipating reading + reviewing ~
- Empty Nest, Full Life by Jill Savage
I’d love to hear your lists, comrade friends! What you’re creating….where you see beauty…what has made you laugh with delight…books you’re reading…songs bringing you hope + joy…..
Have a delightful day!