I added this holiday sign to the front of my wreath. I really like it there.
R & T pulled out pretty dishes one day for lunch and fixed the table up all pretty.
We had three of the most beautiful days ever at the end of the week last week.
Change and clean up continues to happen at the farm.
Still missing Cooper.
Somehow the baby wheat has seemed especially beautiful to me this year. Perhaps because it has been in need of rain. We are thankful for every drop that has fallen.
I’ve been stuck and stalled out when it comes to cooking. That happens every so often and it helps me to dig around and find some new recipes to try or hunt down old favorites I’ve forgotten about for a while. I made this Three Cheese Ranch Chicken from over here. This was a recommendation from one of my friends and it is delicious! She’s been stuck in a food slump too, and we were sympathizing {and wailing} together. 😉 I don’t mind cooking. It just needs done so often! 🙂 Sometimes I really enjoy it. But sometimes I just want to do other stuff!
Baking is my thing anyday over cooking. But man cannot live by bread {and cookies} alone. We must have some meat too.
Have you made any easy and tasty recipes recently? If so, pass them along!
I did work on some freezer food. I’d thought I would do that since September.
The kiddos carved pumpkins on one of our beautiful afternoons. We made a campfire and ate smores and watched the cheery flicker of their pumpkin faces.
My mother-in-law brought me my birthday gift! She thinks she’s late, but I think it’s great that my birthday was in July and I’m still celebrating and getting gifts! 🙂 She gave me a 9 x 13 crockpot. She has had one for a little and I thought it looked pretty nifty. I think I will like it. It will come in handy for Thanksgiving dinner. I tried scalloped potatoes in it. Mmmm. Maybe the new crockpot will also help boost my cooking burnout.
We have cows in the feedlot. One of our neighbor friends is using the pens.
Renae and I were gazing at the stars one evening and she began to laugh. “I can tell what I’m studying,” she said, “I was noticing how those stars form congruent triangles.” I laugh too, and in my hazy past, at one time, I studied congruent triangles, though I can’t tell you much about them now.
I hope to work on some more freezer food this week and pick up my leaf knitting again. It has been neglected. I may not have much progress at all for Yarn Along. I will blame it on the new Mitford book that I have on seven-day loan from our library. It is SO GOOD.
Love the big smiles of the three men on the four wheeler. Those are three of my favorite men! Love all the pictures. Fall is so pretty! Did I ever tell you that it is my favorite time of year?!
I put that picture in specifically thinking of you!
I *think* on occasion, you MAY have mentioned your particular fondness for fall! 🙂