AND…gorgeous sunrise!
God is the best artist.
I think He loves beauty and creating and art. Every day He paints new sunrises, new sunsets. Every day He heals broken people. Every day He changes lives. Every day He brings beauty from ashes. He never tires of it. There is so much hurt and broken and ugly in our world. Just this past week, we heard of several hard and scary and hurting-types-of-things. This world is scarred and marred by sin. It will be till Jesus returns.
I love the beauty. God loves it too. I’m not denying the ugly and the awful. But I’m searching out the good and the positive and the beautiful. We can’t survive without it. It is a gift from God and He is there in every dark night and desperate day.
He is.
He is holding our whole earth gently in His hand. This big-to-us, terrestrial ball spinning in space was created and spoken into existence by Him.
He’s huge. He is awesome.
And He sends His Spirit to dwell in me.
He holds the earth in His hand. He formed man with His hand. He breathed His breath into Adam and gave us life. He sent Jesus to die, broken and bruised and ugly, on the cross. He brought Jesus out of that grave, ALIVE, vibrant, BEAUTIFUL!!! Light rising!!! New day dawning!! He gave us LIFE through Jesus’ suffering and shame and shed blood. He gave us LIFE by defeating death and the gloomy tomb. He gave us life by bursting forth in radiant beauty and glory.
Beaming. Shooting beacons of light across time and space and eternity.
Bathing it all in His glorious prescence.
And all the broken comes together in glorious new wholeness. Complete. No scars.
Bursting forth and blossoming and becoming the perfect creation He began with.