Another harvest day! Plus, custom planting a circle of beans thrown in. Planting them on one of the circles we’re checking irrigation systems on. Tractors taken to field, oil wells and irrigation systems checked, combine serviced, prayers said, lunch eaten, harvesting wheat. Busy, busy!
Meals to deliver, truck part to go get, fuel barrel to fill, taxi service, C65 delivered to field so it could be filled with seed wheat, dishes to wash, towels washed and dried and in pile needing folded, oil well books filled out, beautiful cool evening, pretty, cheerful sunflowers, awesome sunset, God is near.

More awesome pictures! 🙂
Sure enjoying this, thank you!
LOVE the pic of the truck!
Me too! We have some of the same tastes~usually when you say you love one of my photos, it’s one that I especially like too. 🙂