When we visited my husband’s younger brother a few weeks back, we all piled in together and bounced off to the city, so we could visit Sea Life Aquarium. We really enjoyed it! It is well done.
Renae has liked fish and dolphins and killer whales and sea life ever since she was very small. She had a fishie cake for her second birthday and a couple of my friends gave her two goldfish in a goldfish bowl at her birthday party. She loved to sit in her little chair and watch them. They lived for a while and she enjoyed them a lot.
It had been a while since we’d been to an aquarium. Renae still likes sea life and she thought it sounded fun to go. {Well, we all did.} Our baby niece even had fun I think! She really watched the bright fish swimming and darting around and enjoyed toddling around some and standing in front of the big glass, aquarium windows.
Got it so good! Just ride along!
The touch tank! Feeling a sea star.
A look from inside!
Sea turtle that had been injured and rescued from somewhere.
View from above!
The Aquarium and Legoland are side by side and you can buy a combo ticket for both places. One of the aquarium rooms had a Lego sandcastle and Tucker made a beeline for it and spent his time on it while we checked out the tank. 🙂 He visited Legoland last year with a friend. We didn’t really have the time to do both and our niece isn’t hardly big enough yet to get much out of Legoland.
There were a lot of really neat displays and bubbles and places where you could get “inside” the tank.
We had a fun day! It’s fun to have an outing now and then!