Over at The Modern Mrs. Darcy, she posts about what’s saving her life during this season. It’s fun to read what’s helping her and fun to read the comments. I began a comment and it ran much longer than I intended and then I decided it might as well come over here and I’d flesh it out a bit more for a List of Ten post! Here it is, friends!
- Music wafting from the corner by my chair from a “Favorites” list on my iPod…It’s a mix of gospel, contempary Christian {if that’s what you call it…I don’t know…names are funny to me..} some Celtic praise songs, a few old country favorites I listened to in the 90’s, a little Roger Miller, John Denver’s Thank God I’m a Country Boy, four songs from Chicago and a song from Jimmy Buffet, to name a few! What’s on your favorites playlist?

2. Sending happy mail to friends and people I am praying for and handlettering the addresses, using washi tape and stickers on the envelopes and using my new wax seal stamp on the back! I love the art of decorating the outside of the envelopes and the thought of landing a happy, little surprise in someone’s mailbox.

3. Planning a luncheon for March, with two dear friends to bless a group of ladies…setting a pretty table is one of my favorite things! Need someone to set up your party and let you hostess it? I’m your girl!! I love the set up.
4. Voxer. My best friend and I leave each other long messages. Sometimes listening to her messages is the only way I get my laundry folded!!! Ha! 🙂
5. Watching Andy Griffith or the Beverly Hillbillies in the evenings with my dear man and our teen son…{and daughter when she’s home!!} And laughing hysterically at Granny! The expressions she contorts!! The fits she has! The feistiness she packs into her small frame!!
6. Encouraging texts from friends and prayer warriors…another happy day brightener! Plus, EMOJIS.

7. Flatlay photos of books….I love creating these vignettes…styling them and shooting them…it’s definitely a creative outlet for me. It makes me happy to combine three things I love. Books, styling and photography!
8. Writing words, jotting in my prayer journal and a collection of pretty pens!
9. Memorizing Bible verses centered around my Focus Word for 2019 ~ Contentment! Listing the verses and reading over them every morning is life building to me. I’m really pretty bad when it comes to memorization. While I don’t have the verses perfectly committed to memory, it impacts my life and mind to read over them again and again.
10. Books and magazines, of course!!! I currently have several books in my bookstack I’ve been really looking forward too and I have slowly subscribed or been gifted several magazine subscriptions. It’s always a day brightener when a fun magazine arrives in my mailbox!
Your turn!!! I’d love to hear your list now!!!

Now that my husband received word from GM that his job is safe, I do feel much less anxious than just this morning. The ice storm today means not going out for my exercise class which was cancelled, so I am getting the chores done instead to feel productive. I plan on reading today to help relax.
It always feels good to get my house cleaned up and reading is definitely a perfect relaxation on an icy, wintery day! I hope you have a fantastic day!