Chasing Vines by Beth Moore
This book arrives in bookstores everywhere on February 4th!
I’ve been reading an early copy as part of the launch team. No surprise, Chasing Vines holds valuable words, truth, and good words to stir us to contemplation and center us in abiding in Jesus, our One True Vine.
Oh, I want to tell you before I jump into a bit more talk about the book. Christian Book Distributors has a special edition if you’d like to pre-order or order from their site. This edition features insightful discussion questions and just-for-you extras!
I like the format of this book. It’s divided into five parts.
The Vineyard
The Vinedresser
The Vine
The Fruit
The Harvest
Each chapter is titled with one word. I like the simplicity of it, yet it captures the depth in each word as well. I think focusing on one word for each chapter grabs the reader’s attention.
For example: Part One ~ The Vineyard includes these three chapters:
Part Four ~ The Fruit includes:
These words leaped off page 135 at me, and I found myself reading, re-reading, underlining, and re-reading again!
“If human beings are host to more depth than we could mine in a lifetime, how many more layers must there be in an infinite, eternal God? We could spend every moment of life on this earth and into eternity exploring the facets of God and never get to the end of Him. That’s why abiding is a lifelong quest. But something so brilliantly supernatural doesn’t come naturally for us.
One of the most compelling elements of abiding is a divine curiosity to uncover more of the character and complexity of Christ. Curiosity is the far nobler sister of novelty. Curiosity invokes study. By definition, it is “interest leading to inquiry.” It does not look for diamonds on blades of grass; it looks for dew. If it’s looking for diamonds, it mines. Curosity isn’t satisfied to climb a hill and then move on. To borrow words from Deuteronomy, it digs copper from them.” (Deut 8:9) ~ Beth Moore, Chasing Vines
Chasing Vines leads us toward abiding and producing abundant fruit in Jesus!

Hello from Texas:)!
In light of our current “social distancing” situation, I am trying to find a way to offer the Chasing Vines study through a Zoom meet up. In a cold, google search for information, I discovered your post!
I have had a hard time figuring out what materials I will need. I see there is a book, a video (you can purchase those through Vimeo) as well as a study guide.
What materials are you planning to have your participants purchase? I’m trying to figure out if there are discussion questions in the book or if you also need the study guide to go with it. I was hoping to ask them to buy as few things as possible. One more thought: would it be possible to just have them purchase the book and I get the guide and pull questions from that?
I hope all of this makes sense! I’ve been searching to no avail and desperate for some insight!
Thank you so much for your help!
Warmest regards,
Britany Krause
Hello Britany!
Chasing Vines is a powerful book! It’s so interesting to dig into the metaphor of the Vine!
That sounds lovely to form a Zoom book group during this time!
Here’s my opinion ~ Each person would want a copy of the book. You could all read the book and simply discuss it from each chapter.
The second option is for each of you to also grab a copy of the Chasing Vines Group Experience book. This book has questions and answer blanks to fill in. It also has Scripture reading assignments. You COULD order one copy and discuss from it in your group, but it’s also geared for each person to write and interact and learn from. The format is laid out for use as you watch the DVD sessions.
If you go to Christian Book Distributors website, they have pictures of the inside of it, so you may get a feel for what it is.
OR Christian Book Distributors has an exclusive edition of the book that contains a Dig Deeper section in the back. This section has a few paragraphs about each chapter followed by three questions. If everyone ordered these editions, you could use the Dig Deeper section as a springboard for your discussions.
Basically, it depends on your budget and the experience you’re looking for! The teaching sessions are also available on DVD.
I hope this helps and let me know if you have further questions. 🙂
I haven’t seen the Group Experience book myself or watched the sessions, though I would love to watch them at some point. Talking about grapevines and vineyards was very fascinating and applies so well to our abiding and thriving in Jesus!
I’d also love to hear what your group decides to do and what you think of the book!