I love giveaways! {Even though I never win…} 🙂 Heavenly Homemakers is having a giveaway from The Modest Mom! If you like denim skirts, go check it out!
Nothing New…
This thought has been chasing around inside my head. Nothing new.. As I kept tossing the idea around to start a blog, I would contemplate blog names. Kinda like when we were thinking about names for our kiddos, but different. I would think of one idea, then another and so on. Then I started googling some…
My Baby Blog…
I have a baby blog! I have thought, off and on, about starting a blog for quite a while. But I didn’t know that much about it and didn’t pursue it. Recently, I have read more about blogs and learned some things and decided to jump in! I am definitely a beginner and definitely learning. I…