Three things I love. Good books. Beauty. Inspiration.
And I love it when all three combine.
This #GraceLacedBook, it’s been that for me.
This beautiful devotional is divided into seasons. The beginning finds us in the season of Winter, followed by Spring, Summer and ending with Fall.
Each season also has a corresponding theme. Winter finds us Resting in His Character. Spring brings Rehearsing the Truth. Summer has us Responding in Faith and Fall brings us to Remembering God’s Provision.
Right now I find myself more in a Fall season as I remember God’s provision. Perhaps fitting, as in my physical world, fall creeps close and summer days begin their countdown.
Physical pain has been a struggle in my life and a recent sprained ankle has {tried} to defeat my hope and left me feeling frustrated, dependent and tired of tired-and-sore-and-pain.
Yet, this is where I find myself clinging to His provision. Recounting it. Searching for it. Because it is life to weariness. Direction for confusion and darkness. Guide on the pathway of pain.
I find myself thinking about Job.
Because I have this idea that Job knew a thing or two about Endurance. Steadfastness. Resoluteness. Oh, Job had to work through some things and some feelings. Job had suffered. A LOT. And you know what? I’m really glad I’m not alone in feelings and questions to work through.
The beginning and ending of Job’s story both sound really amazing. But there’s a big in-between that holds pain and doubts and fears and friends-who-aren’t-all-that-good-right-then and great, big question marks and an empty ache. Oh, and let’s not forget BOILS. Horrible, terrible, painful boils from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. NO THANK-YOU, please.
Job saw the provision and faithfulness of God. More than that, He felt the distinct touch of it on his life.
And I find myself asking God, “Do I matter to you as much as Job did?” “Do you remember me the way you remembered Ruth?” “Do you hear my heart the way you did Hannah’s?”
I flip open His Word because Remembering His Provision comes from the other three.
Rehearsing the Truth.
Resting in His Character and Responding in Faith.
I find Job 32:8 ~ But it is the spirit in a person – the breath from the Almighty – that gives anyone understanding.
I find Job 33:14 ~ For God speaks time and again, but a person may not notice it.
I find Job 33:26 ~ He will pray to God and God will delight in him. That person will see His face with a shout of joy and God will restore His righteousness to him.
I find Job 34:10 ~ It is impossible for God to do wrong, and for the Almighty to act unjustly.
I find Job 42:2 Then Job replied to the Lord, I know that You can do anything and no plan of yours can be thwarted.
rehearsing ~ resting ~ responding ~remembering ~
I turn one more place.
Psalm 107:43
Whoever is wise, let him attend to these things; let them consider the STEADFAST LOVE of the Lord.
My God hears me. My God remembers me. My God loves me.
The Lord doesn’t promise the removal of darkness but the assurance of His guidance in the midst of it. ~ Ruth Chou Simons
Amazon is still offering Grace Laced book at 50% off. Pre-order for $14.99!! And snag your pre-order bonuses at {Find more details on the website.}
I’ve been so grateful to have received an advance copy of GraceLaced.
What season do you find yourself in? What questions do you have? How do you see God’s provision?
I’d love to hear.
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Thanks for sharing about the amazon discount! I definitely want to get this beautiful book! Especially now that you’ve shared some of contents!
It really is beautiful and inspiring! You will enjoy it.
I cannot wait to get this book with my next Lifeway coupon. Thanks for this beautiful peek into the pages!
Thanks for dropping by. Grace Laced is wonderful!
Thank you for a beautiful and heartfelt post. God bless!
Thank-YOU for your kind words! Have a wonderful week!
What a lovely review. Thank you, Deborah!
Thank-YOU, Ruth for all your hard work and your beautiful artwork, beautiful book and encouraging words! I’ve really enjoyed being part of the launch team.
And Grace Laced is going to go into several gifts of mine this fall. 🙂