Summer swings along.
Fieldwork to do. Tucker has been helping out a good bit with the irrigation system checking and running the tractor some, too.
The girlies stayed and it’s fun to watch Renae care for them. They swam with us and Miss A. was so fun to watch.
I continue just to notice the everyday and the little things I enjoy and find beauty in. Like the cute, little owl napkins gifted to me by a friend for my birthday!
My sister-in-law gave me an insert for my large 31 tote for my birthday and I am excited to try it out.
I tried a new peach dessert recipe and put peaches in the freezer. Sliced peaches are so pretty.
And the hot summer sun and a laundry basket and clothespins just catch my eye. My clothespin apron is in the repair shop, so the clothespins got transferred to a bucket for now. I’m thinking that perhaps my daughter should cover the bucket for me and make it cute and it would be a handy-dandy home for the clothespins.
I walked out on my porch one morning and Matthew had put the pedal tractor on it for me. As I mentioned over in this post about my Summertime Lemony Yellow Wreath, I kept forgetting to ask him to get it for me. I like having it there.
I posted pics on Saturday, of our visit to the Hatteras Lighthouse, if you want to peek at them.
Tucker and Renae both spent some time with friends last week. Renae practiced piano and did lessons again. She hasn’t done them for a while. It is fun to listen to her play on her keyboard and she’s been excited that since she’s learned the notes fairly well, she can pick up a songbook and play most any song.
We had friends stop by and we picked up Colorado peaches at Mom’s. We’ve been blessed with a lot of peaches this year and we’ve loved it. I’m always happy to get peaches from Colorado. They always, always are yummy. There were a few really, gigantic peaches in our box.
We watched Fiddler on the Roof. I had never watched it and I loved it. Up there as a favorite movie. Have you seen it?
Tucker keeps adding to his Lego farm. It’s pretty cool!
I finished What Love Is. I was a little behind schedule, and glad to have the accomplishment of finishing. Glad and sad. Sad to see it end and glad to complete it all rolled together. I also frustrate myself at my inadequacy to live out the principles and good works. Yet, that’s part of the lesson. I am so inadequate. Only with His Spirit and His continued molding. Thank-you, Jesus! You are greater. I continue to slowly work through True Woman 201. My Bible study group started it this summer. I haven’t been there since we started this one. Hoping to make it again soon! Summer gets busy with a jumble of other things.
Ordinary days. I embrace them.