Beautiful blooms! Brought to my door by a small neighbor girl with tiny blonde braids and a shy grin. I’ve been enjoying them and enjoying them.
A gal I follow on Instagram posted a lovely picture of pretty blooms and buds in glass bottles and holders on her windowsill and she said, “Should you ever wish to visit me, my promise to you is this – there may be dishes piled in the sink but there will always be flowers on the windowsill.” I loved this sentiment. Little bits of beauty in our messy everyday. Cultivating beauty for sure!
The turkeys that frequent our farm and pasture. I saw them out and about several times. They are a largish group this year. My husband has noted several times that he thinks the bird groups {turkeys, pheasants, quail} and the jackrabbits all seem to have healthy quantities this year.
Rainclouds hovering. We had rain! Two inches on Wednesday night and an inch on Saturday night. And on Wednesday night the weathermen weren’t even calling for any rain!!! They weren’t calling for nothin’.
Lego farm. Designed and worked on and built and finally debuted!
Lay out the TinTin books to see which ones are here when looking for a missing one.
Working on Uncle J’s little motorcycle and trying it out. There’s been talk about a little motorcycle around here for quite some time now. My son is growing up. I want to grab a day and just go back and watch that little blondie boy at play. The one that used a jar of mayonnaise for a stool to reach his sippy cup inside the fridge. The one who loved donuts. The one who loaded toilet paper rolls in the back of his yellow Tonka truck to restock the basket in the bathroom for me.
Now, THAT is a whisk if there ever was one. Perfect for an ice cream freezer can. I’d commented on my cousin’s and they messaged me last week and said they had it and a long spatula and spoon for me. Fun finds! Not something you just casually pick up at the local Wal-Mart.
Quirky, creating home.
I drug home this basket thing a few weeks ago. What would you do with it? I’ve rolled around a few ideas. Rolled around a few before I purchased it. It intrigues me.
Bacon wrapped sweet corn on the Traeger.
When I was gone last year in August, my guy made this dish for himself. He suggested it last week when he was pulling corn from our patch. It was fun to try and yummy and of course, pretty.
{picture credit unkown}
My husband shared this with me. He knew I’d love it. I did!! I do appreciate whatever sanity I happen to have left. And sometimes I just go “Really????” about some of the things and ideas I hear and read and wrestle with.
Here we have Cooper surveying his domain.
Lovely corn! I needed corn for the freezer, but we didn’t get as much planted as we wanted. We did put seven quart in the freezer and have enjoyed fresh corn-on-the-cob. I’ve been happy for every bit we picked. The crabgrass grew well if that’s what we would’ve wanted. Ahhh, such is life. I’m always amazed at the harvest plants will still produce even when conditions aren’t as ideal as we’d like or choose. Only a Creator………
We canned 14 quart of green beans. Once again, thankful!! And put some peaches in the freezer too.
Bright fun stuff! New pens! Happy dance! The colors are pairing perfectly with my Gratitude Journal from Money Saving Mom.
Fresh peaches and peach dumplings! Find the recipe for Peach Dumplings with Maple Cream Syrup over at my friend Carolyn’s blog Gift of Simplicity.
We’ve had three boxes of fresh peaches recently. They’re so yummy to eat fresh that usually I don’t make too many peach recipes. This time we had enough I decided I wanted to make some peach desserts for fun. I have another one I want to do too. Plus, some of the peaches are ending up with that pithy, sponginess and are much better cooked into a recipe.
Prepping and trying things out for her upcoming party. She’s having a couple of friends to celebrate her birthday in SuMmEr!!! She’s been planning this since her real birthday in January. Say a little prayer that the outside weather turns out beautifully for her.
She’s been working on these banners here and there and got them finished up!
A bit of a rumble, some goofy waves and goofy pics and we’re off for a ride.
Celebrated my birthday last week! Cards and texts and gifts and phone calls and girls’ lunch out with my daughter and my baby nieces and their mother and my mother-in-law. Riding along to town and lunch and checking oil wells and irrigation with my guy. Much needed massage appointment. Trip to the city with my people after it rained and gave my farmer man a break. Visited a bookstore I’ve long wanted to stop in at and never would remember or wouldn’t have the time. Italian food and ice cream. Shopping and browsing. Hot, hot day. Tired out. Heading home.
Family reunion and helping with Farm Bureau’s kiddie tractor pull at the fair. Hot temps again. Home again.
Softsoap showergel arrived that I’d won in a giveaway.
My sister had a big event going on. Prayers for that and loving peeking at her new pillow designs and seeing a few pics on IG.
Summer is going too fast for me. I’m trying to slow it down, to hold on. July!!! Don’t get over yet.

I want peach dumplings! Oh my mouth is watering for some!
If I tell my man that your man said there is an abundance of wildlife he’s going to be raring to come out and hunt at Thanksgiving this year!
The peach dumplings were really good and fun to make.
I keep forgetting to ask you if you are going to visit this year.