Hot drinks and snow on the ground ~ so began our week last week!
Little snowman…
Want to know what era you are from?
Finish this sentence.
IF ALL ELSE FAILS,________________________.
My daughter and I were trying to figure out how to attach a lid with snaps onto the fabric bin it belonged on. We messed around and did figure out. Right after we decided how it went, my daughter pointed out the tag that was attached with the directions on it.
We laughed and I said, “If all else fails,_________________”, then paused to let her finish it.
“Google it,” she responded.
I laughed some more and replied, “I can tell what generation you are from. My generation learned the saying as, “If all else fails, READ THE DIRECTIONS!”
No Google to google. I had to read the directions.
I stuck the “If all else fails, ______________, on my fb page and got some fun answers. Jump over here and check them out.
We order popcorn.
I finally got smart and googled a place to order the popcorn we like. I really like to have some of the-basic-to-us foods on hand and not continuously need to put them on my shopping list.
If I could always get the best deal at Amazon or if I didn’t care at all what I spent, I could really get into having groceries delivered to my door. I have ordered from Amazon when I could get a good deal on some of my pantry staples. It is so nice! It comes to my door and I unbox it and put it away.
No walking the grocery aisles.
No loading the cart.
No standing in line and checking out.
No loading it back in the cart.
No trekking to the parking lot and putting it into my Suburban.
No driving home and unloading my Suburban.
SEE!!! How easy it could be to let UPS deliver the groceries!!
Butter has finally been on sale at Dillons the last couple of weeks. It has really gone up in price and I have been more than ready for a good sale, thank-you very much!!!
Our cold weather snap warmed up some mid-week and towards the end of the week.
Lots of work to do around the farm. Power line work and projects and dirt work a t the circle.
Lunch with our uncle and aunt from Ohio.
Mexican lunch with a friend!
Hot drinks, soup and a movie at a friends’ house.
Men’s meeting for Matthew.
Time spent with Uncle J.
Thinking about the countdown for our new baby niece or nephew!
ANNOUNCING ~ new baby to arrive next year to our brother & sister-in-law in eastern KS. Hooray! Prayers for good health for mama and baby. A little friend & cousin for our soon arriving niece or nephew here. Both of M’s younger brothers and their wives have little girls, so it will be fun to see if these new babies are both girls or both boys or one boy and one girl! My sister and I each had a girl first, almost a year apart. Three years later, I had my baby boy and six months later my sister had another little girl. My son and his girl cousin have had lots and lots of fun together over the years.
Thinking about Christmas gifts. {Here are some Christmas gift ideas from the archives!}
Speaking of Christmas, if you would like a simple, easy printable for an Advent countdown, go over here to Thriving Family and check theirs out. We got two Thriving Family magazines in the mail this month, for whatever reason. They came with the Advent poster in them and I knew my kiddos would think it was fun, so I hopped online to print the character cutouts. It worked out well to have two magazines, thus two posters! {Although I could’ve printed one. But easier to just pull it out of the magazine!}
Thanksgiving this week!
What Thanksgiving foods are your favorites?