I have to say again, this whole back pain and sciatica thing has been one of the strangest things I’ve ever had. And one I would not wish on anyone! We are grateful, grateful, grateful that I am improving, though it is a slow process. I have my moments of impatience and wanting to just-be-better. Yet, I continue to think of the many people suffering much worse than I am or have. I continue to think of the many people with chronic conditions that won’t ever go away. I continue to think of the many people who are sick and can’t find a proper diagnosis or remedy for the problem.
I am thankful for God’s peace and His hand on us, always. I am thankful for His timing. We were blessed with food delivered while I was feeling my worst. I was glad to be feeling some better when my parents and niece came. It was so nice to have them here. They grocery shopped and took care of meals. They went home the end of last week. I am starting to feel like doing more and I am glad. I am just so thankful for the timing of it all, as I look back. It was very nice to have my family here, but I am glad they weren’t here when I was feeling the worst. I’m glad I was able to enjoy them.
This morning I had to chuckle to myself. One way I know I’m feeling better?! Our bathroom needs cleaned and it is starting to bug me! When I don’t feel well or feel absolutely horrible, I could care less what is clean or what is dirty!! 🙂
Renae has been splendid at filling in the gap and stepping up to do laundry and take care of the kitchen. She’s had a lot of firsts in the last month! Dad has been teaching her some driving skills, she’s been in charge of the house, and she’s grocery shopped on her own! What happened to my oh-so-full-of-it three-year old????
My aunt and uncle and my cousin and her kiddos came to visit while my parents were here. The tractors chugged out of the shed to play in the early summer evening. My dad snapped a few photos for me. I haven’t taken too many pictures in the last weeks. I feel like picking up my camera again~another sign that I am feeling much better!
Renae and Emma made super-yummy pizzas for us. Chicken-Bacon Ranch and Sausage Pepperoni with stuffed crust. Emma has inherited her mother’s talent and can just put in a bit of this and that and make it all come together. We grilled fish one evening and she seasoned it. She just looked through my spices and picked out what she wanted and using some coconut oil and her selection, seasoned away!
We had some lovely weather while my family was visiting. And we had rain!!! It has finally decided to rain. SO HAPPY! We had two inches one night. And just this past Saturday night we had two inches. We’ve had some other rains too, that weren’t as much. My days have quite run together and I don’t remember what or when. I’m not sure what our total amount has been. I need to ask my farmer man. We even had the creek come up! It’s been quite a while since we’ve had water running in the creek. It was high enough that we opted to go the other way when we got out yesterday.
One afternoon the girls put the hammock up and gathered pillows and blankets and books and spent several hours reading and giggling. I have pictures to post sometime of my men setting poles for the hammock. And we need to paint the poles someday-upon-a-time. I like looking out the kitchen window at the hammock. Alas, it doesn’t get to hang there all the time.
Because, you know. Kansas. WIND.
So, when the wind arrives, in it goes. Otherwise it quite becomes a sailboat or a Mary Poppins umbrella.
Back in April, I made note of our routine that I wanted to remember. Little did I know how quickly it would change! For a bit, most everything was up to my man and kiddos! Right now finds us with me sitting and folding laundry, while Renae does more of the on-your-feet tasks. I am so reminded again that one sure thing about life is that there WILL be change!
We were blessed last week with meatloaf, mashed potatoes and caramel corn from my aunt and breakfast burritos and Cinnamon Swirl French Toast from a very dear friend! The care, concern and compassion from friends and family is such a special gift and flows from our Father, for sure! Seeing and feeling this care, is one silver lining to a dark gray thundercloud! 🙂
May you have a blessed week!
I have to quietly slip this photo in at the end. Because I love it so much. And I love the man in it so much. And maybe he won’t scroll down this far. Because I will probably owe him when he sees it.
It was raining, a beautiful rain and he took my gerbera daisy mentioned in this post, outside for a drink. Because nothing beats rainwater. And nothing beats watching it rain, from the porch, on a dry and parched land. I did go for my camera when I saw him watering and even managed to snap a photo or two! So often, I miss the moment till I grab my camera and go back to get the shot.