My husband and son loaded up into our 1986 GMC work pick-up with our hopper wagon hooked on behind it.
A sweet, old hopper wagon that we pulled all the way home from Ohio one year after Christmas. Hopper wagons weren’t used in Kansas like they were and are in the east. I like having it on the farm. It reminds me of Ohio and my kidhood days! My dad didn’t farm but we had a neighbor who did. The sight of a tractor rumbling by with one or two hopper wagons was part of my growing up years.
I watched the pick-up and hopper wagon disappear down the hill and through the creek and reappear at the stop sign, as I was returning from my walk to the corner east of us. They were headed to get a load of rolled milo to feed the few cattle at our farm.
My man and I had exchanged conversation and plans before I took off for my walk. I knew they would probably leave before I finished walking. My daughter and I were planning to go clean at the doctor’s office and would most likely head to town before the men arrived home with their rolled milo.
I talked to my husband on the phone a couple of times, because when I went to leave, my Suburban wouldn’t start. Somehow, its battery didn’t like the fact that some of the small lights inside had been left on for who-knows-how-long. With no other vehicle readily available at the moment and our battery pack, questionable, my brother jaunted over to help me out. His Honda got us up and running and off we went! I was feeling a little rushed, because I’d really wanted to leave earlier. I reminded myself more than once that there could be a very good reason why we weren’t supposed leave when I was planning. I often wonder in situations like this what God is protecting us from and what He can see that we can’t.
We made it into town, did our cleaning, and returned safely home.
When we were settled into bed for the night my husband told me about the event of their trip to the Co-op.
My husband and my son were returning home, chugging along slowly in the pick-up with the wagon rolling along behind. My husband noticed, that in the traffic coming towards them, there was a Ford pick-up that kept flashing its lights. “I wonder what that’s all about,” my husband questioned. All of a sudden, the Jeep that was in front of the Ford pick-up, headed straight across the dotted line, into my husband’s lane of traffic, and directly towards them. My husband, who wasn’t traveling very fast anyway, becaus of his load, slowed down and headed towards the shoulder. With a hopper wagon on behind, there weren’t a lot of options nor can you make too many sudden moves. He said he really thought, “This could be it.” Then just as suddenly the Jeep veered back into his own lane and passed on by.
We wondered if the Jeep had been doing this and that was the explanation for the flashing lights of the Ford pick-up. We’ll never know for sure.
My mind went in several directions. First, I thought about how quickly life can change, how quickly life can be gone, how much we take it for granted. I thought about how I had been focused on my vehicle trouble and trying to do the things I had planned. How differently my day could have ended. In a hospital with my husband and son or worse.
I thought about the prayers of protection I had prayed for my family as I took my walk. Prayers offered only an hour before this crazy driver veered into my husband’s lane of traffic. Accidents do happen. Terrible things do happen. But I will never underestimate the power of prayer.
I am so thankful that we still have a husband and daddy and a son and brother. I praise God for His protection.
I thought about how I so often get caught up in “me” and “my” feelings and instead of embracing life and the days we’ve been given, I choose to be grumpy or stressed or miffed about something. Life truly is a vapor and I truly thank God for the family He has blessed me with and each day that I am gifted.

Wow. Very thankful here too that we still have a brother-in-law and nephew with us! Life is so fleeting but we take it for granted – day after day. Praise God for His protection!
Wow, it’s always scary to hear something like that, and yet you realize how God was watching over you.
Our son once had some bad tires and, being a college student, was trying to save money so he didn’t replace them. During a really bad rain storm he lost control of the car and sped three 360’s across FOUR lanes of freeway traffic. He was terrified.
God was watching over him that day as he didn’t hit anyone and he was kept perfectly safe and his car didn’t flip.
After his 360’s the traffic slowed around and behind him for a moment and the people in the cars around him were smiling and cheering and giving him a thumb’s up, he said. Although they were a bit shaken too.
When he called and told us I was so thankful for the Lord’s provision, as I pray that God will keep His hand on the wheel of their cars when they’re out driving.
We also bought him some new tires as we didn’t know that the old ones were worn out and had no traction.
Thanks so much for linking up to “Making Your Home Sing Monday” today! 🙂
What a scary event for your son and all of you! Things happen so fast. Praise God for His protection.
I am very thankful to know Jesus is watching over us and will take care of us, even when things don’t always turn out the way we want.
Oh how I can relate to choosing to be grumpy, stressed, or miffed about something insignificant. It’s like we have to remind ourselves of what life is really about. I appreciated your story. 🙂
It’s so easy to get caught up in the every day and to take life for granted. I feel like I so often fall into the selfish pit of me.
When things don’t go as planned I too often wonder if the Lord is saving us from some unknown harm. These close calls do remind us that our time is short and we don’t know how long we have. Make the most of our days! 🙂
I much prefer for life to go smoothly, but the bumps remind us to hug a little tighter, smile more and be thankful!
Thanks for sharing your story and reminding us both of how fleeting life is and the efficacy of our prayer over our loved ones!
It seems so easy to forget and take each day for granted!
I hopped over from Heavenly Homemakers where you linked up. Thank you for sharing your story. My whole morning attitude has changed today for the better. Thank you for reminding me that what we look at as being inconvienced for a few moments, God sees as protecting us from harm.
Will be following your blog. Going to bookmark it.
Thanks for coming by! I’m always happy when one of my simple stories inspires someone else. There is so much inspiration shared online and so many great blogs that I enjoy.
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