My heart it aches, my head is bowed
Clenched fists so tight, Do I know how?
To open up these palms, relax?
Come to Him and simply ask?
For sweet relief from striving to,
Do it all and do, do, do,
And pause instead, remembering,
He bore the nails so long ago,
And died a death to set me free.
Clenched fists. I lift them up and offer them to You.
Perhaps reluctantly, uncurling fingers slowly,
Yet, as I open palms extend, I know that You will mend
Each hurt inside and I relax into the exhale of Letting Go.
Unfamiliar waves wash up and touch my toes.
Only strange,
Because so long it’s been,
since I’ve embraced this peculiar sense
of JOY!!!
Creeping in the corridors of heart and soul.
I give a start!
Eyes open wide and by my side,
I feel the presence only HE does bring,
I sigh again. How long it’s been!
Too long I know.
Guilt presses me, but I can see.
My vision clear and Jesus near.
Fear has no entry here and
My open palms, my ready heart,
I give it all!
Every bit, To You.
Surrender sweet and oh, I know!
You waiting stand, to take me by the hand
With loving smile,
And to my knees I now must fall,
I’m overcome – my All-in-All –
arms lifted high, hands open wide
Just Jesus – oh, be at my side –
My heart a mixture, muddled up,
of joy, relief, of turmoil too,
of pain and happiness and peace.
Of try-to, have-tos, toil and woe,
Determination to Let Go.
And just Let Him.
Oh, just let Him! And trust in Him.
Content in Him.
My Jesus King.
Oh, peace He brings.
For He is simply Everything.