Time for a few hellos! Hello to coughs and head colds. Not so happy to have you here. Renae had it first and I had a couple of days where I didn’t feel real great. Tucker caught it next and came down one morning feeling pretty rough. He seems to always get sick close to his birthday. Maybe he will feel good this time. What are your home remedies for ears that are pressured and hurt and pop?
Hello to a day in the city. Hello to a humidifier for our dry house, finally. Hello to phone calls made and appointments made. Hello to working on the porch. Hello to hoping to soon be working on the siding. Hello to farm machinery that needs attention too. Hello to making food and packing bags. Hello to the kiddos going to Grandma’s and us going to a Farm Bureau Convention. Hello to interesting speakers and interesting stats. Hello to being good for me to get out even when I’d rather stay home. I’m still working on my conversation initiator skills. Hello to the Peterson Farm Bros. and their dad singing a few worship songs at the convention. Hello to saying hello to them. It’s so encouraging to see great families. Hello to Renae turning thirteen!!!! Hello to having a ten-year old boy in our house hold happening this week! Hello to the end of January staring us in the face already.
Hello new week!
I think you will keep us busy, too.
Happy, happy week!

That soffit is looking great! Wish we didn’t have to miss the birthdays at your house this month. Lots of good memories of 13 years ago and 10 years ago. They certainly have been “swifter than a weaver’s shuttle.” Happy Birthday to both kiddos. Maybe we can still celebrate whenever we are together again. 🙂
The years have gone unbelievably fast.
We’re always good at celebrating when we are together!
Hope you all start feeling better. We’ve had a cold going through or house too and it stinks.
Happy Monday!
We could be much worse, but I will be glad when everyone is completely better. Colds aren’t fun.
Sorry to hear you’ve had the sickies at your house! As long as the ear drum isn’t perforated I add a few drops of warmed olive oil {if you have garlic oil, all the better, but plain olive works fine} in the ear. It equalizes the pressure. Happy belated to Renae and early to Tucker!
I tried some olive oil in her ear last night, because I was thinking I had recently read that it would help with ears. We haven’t felt the best, but it could be much worse.
House is looking great! So sorry we missed calling Renae on her birthday. We thought about her and talked about it but with the flu deciding to settle here nothing much has gotten done lately.
We were gone anyway, so it didn’t matter if you tried to call or not. It’s hard to get things done when everyone is well, let alone when the flu decides to visit. Yuck! At least it skipped Christmas for us this year.