If you wake up kind of grumpy and out of sorts…
If you have a headache and pressure and popping in your ears,
If you are stressed about things you can’t change anyway and shouldn’t be stressed about, but should just be trusting your heavenly Father,
If there are circumstances going on in your life that you really wish weren’t,
If your son has a cold involving a snuffy nose that he keeps sniffing and snuffing repeatedly,
If you had to go to town in the morning, so most of the schoolwork had to be completed in the afternoon,
If, consequently, every little thing is getting on your nerves,
Helping your son with his spelling words while he sniffs his nose and breaks his pencil lead and snuffs his nose and misspells an easy word and sniffs his nose and doesn’t get it about the misspelled word and snuffs his nose and scrubs away with an eraser and sniffs his nose,
Will most definitely, by all means, want to drive you screaming out of the house and onto a plane to Hawaii with a one-way ticket.
This may or may not have happened to me today.
But, if it did, I am so glad for grace.
Grace that covers my failures.
I’m also glad that children are oblivious to the way mothers are feeling sometimes.
Cause I wouldn’t trade my kids for anything.
Even when they sniff and snuff.
Bad moods and headaches are a different story though. They can stay away.
Some ibuprofen and some water and some sitting-down-and-writing and a few Tootsie Rolls do help a mother feel a little better. That, and getting Spelling finished and put away.
I may or may not have experienced this today, also.
So, IF, you have an IF kind of day in the near future, you can think of me and know that you are not alone…
Ewwww. I’ve had those days. Yesterday was kinda one in fact.
I’m so ready to send the kids to school I may have almost gone to talk to the local school principal. Had I been dressed it most likely would have been more than almost.
I got an email that ruined my day – till I remembered that God was bigger and took it to Him. And He promted me to call my hubby so I could talk to someone about it and start getting it out of my system.
I can hardly stand the sniffs and snuffs between every word. My almost 13 year old has an aversion to Kleenex. She’d rather snuff. And it drives me totally insane.
My 6 year old has developed an attitude. And has decided she doens’t want to be schooled.
I’ve decided school is overrated. who needs it anyway??
I remember so well trying to help with spelling words and trying to keep myself from screaming that if the student would just sit up and sit still then just maybe the brain would get in gear to learn the words! And snuffing and sniffing stills sends me in orbit. So glad there is Someone to go to in those situations and His Grace covers us. “Grace enough for me.”
If you were not my daughter, I would be disappointed. I absolutely love your writings. God bless, Your Dad