We have rosebushes!!!!
I do not have a green thumb or even come close to having one. Not even the tip of one. So, I’m all about plants that do well here in Kansas and don’t require a lot of tender nurturing. Cause they aren’t going to get much nurturing from the winds that like to blow around here and with me as their gardener……well, let’s just say if you’re a plant, you need to be hardy!
Last year we managed to get moved and work on the house and we didn’t attempt any gardening or landscaping. This year we have a bit of a garden amidst the crabgrass and we just planted some roses along the cement wall that winds down to the basement.
They are supposed to be hardy and I’m hope, hope, hoping they will do well! I think they will because I had a couple at our old house that thrived and I see them around at some of my friends’ homes and other places.
My kiddos took off for Ohio to visit their grandparents, so you would think I would have lots of extra time. I find I do different things than when they’re here and time flies right by. I wanted to post this and I am flying across the keyboard, since my man just came in and is taking me to town for lunch since he needs a ride to get his pickup! {Run-on sentence, anyone??!}
Seeing this is making me happy!
Those are very pretty – I hope they will do well for you! I have a brown thumb too, my sweet step-mom has been at my house three times this week cleaning up my flower beds, transplanting all manner of perennials and planting some annuals too. It all looks so pretty now but we’ll see how well I can keep up with it!
I’ve always thought it would be ideal to have a cook and a gardener around my place. 🙂 Even if they just came three times a week! What a blessing for you to have someone come in and work on your flowerbeds! I love pretty flowers and they always look so pretty in the spring. Then in July when it is 110 degrees it isn’t so much fun.
Oh, how pretty!! I’m wanting to get some of those some time soon,too.
I hope you get some! They are cheery!
Awesome! I love that! And I think you have some more photos to add to that file I keep telling you to print 😉 The ones with the shovel really speak to me for some reason.
I really liked the one with the shovel and wheelbarrow in the background.
Are those knock-out roses? If so, then you don’t need
a very green thumb…they seem to do well & be hardy in KS! (2 thumbs up!!)
In fact, they grow so well, one thing you will need is some trimmers! 🙂 Happy gardening & growing! You’ll do fine!
They are knockout roses. I’m hoping they will thrive. My main concern is that they get hit by the south wind. It seems like the walk down to the basement becomes a wind tunnel when the wind is up very much. Hopefully we’ll get a tree row to the south eventually! 🙂