My son opened a picture shop quite a while back, where you could buy pictures he had drawn or place an order for a picture you wanted drawn.
It was open for quite a while and then his mother wanted the shop area straightened up and cleaned up, so the picture shop closed. Recently, he opened it up again.
It was good timing for a re-opening. His grandparents from Ohio arrived not too long after it reopened. Soon after their arrival, signs began to appear throughout the house with arrows and such directing the way to the picture shop or advertising sales.
Then his sister and his cousin from Ohio, who had come along with Grandpa and Grandma got in on it and opened shop next door to him. They had pictures and also poems for sale. Grandma ordered a poem from my daughter requesting the subject to be her five granchildren. She received her order very promptly. The following is her poem…
Good job on the poem! How much are they?
The price range seems to be anywhere from $1-$4 and the prices also are negotiable. Sometimes they give pictures away to the first person to arrive at the shop. They sometimes offer coupons for a dollar or two off. You just never know!! 🙂
LOVE IT!! I’d say the poetic gene has been passed on once again:) That is just too cute!
I just read renaes poem to Emma and Larke! They about died laughing! I had to read it to them about 3 times! Larke was beside herself:)
I like your poem too! Can i post it on my blog?!
I can just see them!! Yep, you can use it!