Father of Grace –
amazing grace –
Move us to accept your grace, stand in awe of it, yet embrace it with open arms and soak it deep into our souls.
Father of Love –
endless love –
Shower us with the vision of the vastness of your love. Enough and more for all – for each and every one –
Father of Peace –
perfect peace –
Teach us how to pause and sit in peace – unhurried, unworried, no bustle, no hustle. No striving, no anxious hovering, no restless, harried tumult, but patient, steadfast peace among the storm.
Father of Mercy –
gracious mercy –
Open our eyes to the magnificence of your merciful heart – the scrubbing clean of all sin and stains stamped upon our record. May we upturn our faces to soak in the downpour of mercy drops.
Father of Kindness –
astonishing kindness –
May we take on your character, our light shine strong. Smiles light our faces as we greet others. Kindness be the currency we offer with open palms.
Father of Compassion –
gentle compassion –
Coupled with kindness, Lord, may compassion be our companion. Tender our hearts each day we live, that we may see in others, the careful crafting of your image. May we remember to offer care and consideration to aching hearts, to angry countenances and to anxious souls in angst.
Father of Every Good Day –
delightful day –
May we take less for granted this time we have, this day, this moment. May we treasure it. See it for the sparkling sapphire, radiant ruby, dazzling diamond, that it is. Call us always, tenderly towards You.
We love you Father of all. Amen