I love me a good ole chocolate malt.
But not all chocolate malts are created equal. Not at all.
I’ve had some chocolate malts that were called chocolate malts, but really all they were was a chocolate shake. Which is good, but not nearly as good as a chocolate malt. Not nearly. The malt flavor was gone missing.
I’ve had chocolate malts that were good, but not outstanding. Not sure how or why. Somehow the mix of chocolate and malt was just off. They tried. They really did, but they missed being outstanding by that much.
I’ve had chocolate malts that were too thick. Yummy flavor. Wrong texture. I’m a little picky about my chocolate malts. There are certain criteria they have to meet. I like them to be sippable, drinkable, go-through-a-strawable! But, of course, not too runny!
Finally, I’ve had chocolate malts that were just right. And I gobble them all up, just like Goldilocks did with the porridge. Only, usually, three bears don’t come home looking for the malt I’ve just drunk. For this I am thankful.
Just the right amount of malt flavor, just the right amount of ice cream, just the right amount of chocolate, just the right amount of milk, just the right texture!! Aaaah! Delicious!
The other night I decided to make a chocolate malt in my blender.
I had some chocolate milk that I had bought as a Manager’s Special at our local Dillon’s. I had some vanilla ice cream in the freezer. I had some Chocolate Malt. So, I decided, “Why don’t I try making a chocolate malt using some of that chocolate milk?” This was a great idea in theory. Use up chocolate milk plus I like chocolate malts.
But it was a mistake.
It was a mistake, because it turned out wonderfully delicious and I want to make them a couple of times a day. And I do not need to gain 20 pounds. I need to lose 20 pounds. I need to be out walking, not making malts!!
And if anyone was wondering…if the lid on your blender is not on tightly, even though it looks like it is, there will be a mess and there will be chocolate malt running down the side of your blender and onto the counter. And that is such a waste of a good chocolate malt.
🙂 Like everything about this post:) It made me smile and I’m still smiling:) I know a place out here that makes the best chocolate malts so come on out – STAT!
A love for chocolate malts is in your genes. Grandpa Bussey made them way back when I was just a young’un. And I love them, too. Like you I’m picky about them, they have to be just right to deserve the name “MALTS”.