In the early morning stillness and sunshine we wander on the beach. My daughter and my niece and I. We take pictures. And the girls get silly and my niece proclaims “I am a crab,” in a falsetto tone and we laugh and I snap pictures and remember all the times, my teenage friends and…
Category: We All Have Stories
Apricots and Sugar
Sometimes it rains. Sometimes you have a plan for the day. Sometimes the to-do list just sits and waits. Sometimes you call your farmer man and say, “It rained. Of course, you have nothing to do since it rained so……….” Sometimes you notice apricots on the counter. Sometimes you sprinkle sugar on the counter around…
A Few Memories and Collectibles From My Grandma
I’ve been thinking I’d post about a few things I brought home which had belonged to my Grandma. She went home to Jesus back in December and no longer needed one earthly thing! Isn’t that just pretty awesome to think about how everything we need is supplied for us when we go to our HOME…
A Bit of What “FarmWife” Looks Like For Me
I’ve been a farmwife now for right at eighteen years. That’s really kinda hard for me to believe. Ok, I don’t know what connotations and pictures the words “farmwife” conjure up in your mind. I will confess it tends to make me think of outside-choring, of driving equipment, throwing hay with a pitchfork, gathering eggs, milking cows,…
A Very Disjointed Blog Post About Words and Manners and Wastebaskets
Words interest me. There are old terminologies that make me laugh. There are lots of words that are way over my head. There’s something that I think we all have in common and that would be an appreciation of kind words spoken to us or about us. I’ve heard  and read stories of the opposite. People can…