Two new releases that are on my Amazon wishlist! 1. Money Saving Mom’s book that released this month! I have entered several giveaways hoping to win this book. So far my name hasn’t been chosen! Keeping my fingers crossed! 2. The movie “Courageous” that releases on dvd today! My dear husband took me to see it…
Category: Favorites
Some of my favorites..
Buddy Davis
I like words. I like words that are put together in fun ways. I also like catchy tunes and fun songs…especially kid’s songs! So, when we first heard Buddy Davis’ songs, I liked them. Because all of the above describes his songs. Plus, he is all about Creation and our Creator and I am all about that,…
Casting Crowns:Come To The Well
Casting Crowns’ new cd is available today! It has the song “Courageous” on it from the end of the movie, “Courageous“. Awesome song! I like the life issues and the impact that we have on other people, which Casting Crown’s songs often are about. It is on sale at Amazon for $7.99 right now!           *the link in this…
Here are some links to some different stuff that I enjoyed reading, looking at, or trying. 10 Ways to Make Your Homeschool Day Run Smoothly  Some great tips and reminders. I think it is motivating and encouraging to read other people’s tips about things that I do. Pinterest Pumpkin Picture Love this picture and the…
I am so looking forward to seeing this movie! Praise God for the work He is doing through these film creators. It opens this weekend. I am thankful for the courageous men of God in my life. My husband. My father. My little son. To name just a few. Praise God. …