My little man is quite fond of kittens too. And his kittens get a lot of loving. Albeit in a more rough and tumble way, than a girl and her kittens, but with no less amount of love involved.
His kittens have names and they also have nicknames. His favorite kitten last year was named Tiger-face and then he was lovingly given the nickname Moosa-Toosa aka Moosie-Toosie aka Moosie.
The kitten above is Cutie, I think.
His two favorites.
Cutie and his sister, Unusual, and brother, Fudge.
Yes, the kittens on our farm are very well-loved. Even though sometimes a girl and a boy drag their feet at needing to go feed pets. And me? I’m glad. I’m glad that the girl and boy have kittens to love and can realize that when you love something it isn’t always fun, but also involves work and responsibility.
Love the cute, unusual names these kittens have! Love the pics of the farm boy. He’s pretty cute himself!
All credit(almost all)for the kitten’s names goes to the girl on this farm!
There is an extra hand in the last picture—farm girl’s?
Yes, I think she was concerned about her brother and how he was holding all the kittens!