I want to wear linen overalls and pad through the house in easy fashion.I want to walk barefoot across the soft carpet in our living room, curl my toes in, feel the texture.I want to fluff pillows, fold throw blankets, raise the blinds and welcome in the sunshine. Â I want to froth milk in my…
Author: Deborah
A Short Story: Reflections on Birthdays and Becoming
The sun hit the glass this morning with a confetti halloo and a bounce of excitement. Ok. Maybe it was me who had the bounce of excitement, but the sun seemed to share it. It’s my birthday after all. While our relationships with age and aging can be volatile and varied, I have always loved…
What If….
What if…..the days and minutes allowed us a bit more space to sit with wonder….to wander through August….to read during the sweltering afternoons and stretch the summer evenings into places to ponder? What if….we wrote out gratitude lists and also acknowledged the hovering anxiety lodged in our body….. became curious rather than critical…..searched for the…
The Reverberation of Farmlife
The heat and humidity move across the land as living things. The heavy air sits stolid and somber causing our clothes to stick the moment we step on the threshold. The wind buffets us in suffocating waves and we move slowly and sluggishly across the yard. The sprinkler tic-tic-tics parting the pallid atmosphere. The dogs…
Come. Sit. Be a Person.
Tap on the door and come quietly in.Come. Sit. Be a person.For mostly we stumble around.Step. Trip. Berate our sense of being.We’re often lost; occasionally found.Fog. Afraid. Question every direction. Pull up your chair and exhale into peace.Breathe. Ease. Slip into your soul.Stress tries to rue the day.Clench. Knot. Neck muscles run rigid.Humiliation runs rampant.Ache….