I would not say my family is a jello-salad crazy family.
I can think of three jello salad recipes off the top of my head, that I, myself, like to eat and have made. I’ve never been fond of carrot salad and I don’t think I’ve ever made it. I also tend to be a little picky about trying jello salads I’ve never had. Somehow, I’m not always sure about the combination of ingredients in some.
Oh, wait. I just thought of another jello salad type recipe that I have made and like. So, that brings me up to four.
This applesauce jello salad is pretty much my go-to jello salad. My family like it and it’s easy. And I usually have the ingredients on hand. If I’m asked to make jello salad for a family get-together and not given a specific recipe, I most generally make this.
I made it more often when my kiddos were younger. They really liked it and it made a good side for birthday dinners or company meals.
My kiddos have always like Jigglers, too. We still make them every so often. I honestly don’t think about them a lot of times. But, they are quick and easy and always popular with kids. They are a great thing to make and take when going to an event and asked to bring finger foods or snacks.
- 3 cups applesauce
- 1/2 heaping cup red hots
- 2 {3 oz} pkg strawberry Jello
- 2 cups 7 Up or water
Measure 7 Up into cup and let it set so bubbles can settle.
Melt red hots and applesauce together, stirring constantly.
Remove from heat and add jello to applesauce mixture and stir well to dissolve.
Add 7 Up or water.
Pour into desired dish or Jello mold.
Refrigerate till set. Serve!
I often keep cans of 7Up on hand, so I will use one can of 7Up and add water to make the 2 cups of liquid.
I also melt the red hots and applesauce together in the microwave.
Do you have a favorite jello salad?

I’m not a jello fan. I don’t really care for jigglers most times and I don’t even love this applesauce jello – I usually just pass it on! Cranberry salad is about the only jello salad I love. There are a few others I’ve had at potlucks that are more desserty – with whipped cream on top – that I like ok but I’ve never made any of them. And carrot salad – I HATE that stuff. Sorry that’s a bit dramatic but that’s how I feel about it 😀
A trick I just learned when I took Becca to the Dr. – make jello for sick kids but instead of the cold water add gatorade. It hydrates them quickly and if they like jello it’s a great way to get fluids in them – it also may stay down better than water or straight gatorade when their tummy is upset. And it makes the jello pretty good – for jello!
I love this jello salad and it reminds me of one of my Grandpas. It was his favorite 🙂 Thanks for sharing on the All Things Apple Celebrate 365 Blog Party.